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- The 2017 Festival dei Due Mondi in Spoleto, Italy was its 60th anniversary and featured artistic performances from Fiorella Mannoia, Roberto Bolle, Roberto Saviano, Henrik Schwarz, Alessandro Preziosi and a grand finale from Orchestra Giovanile Luigi Cherubini directed by Riccardo Muti over the course of 17 days.
- This year, festival director Giorgio Ferrara wanted an alternative to the bulky, boxy speakers of years past to avoid detracting from the beautiful backdrop and graceful artistry from the all-star line up.
- Rental company Arcadia Services was responsible for providing the audio so to meet client requirements, they selected K-array Firenze system.
- 6 Firenze-KH7 loudspeakers per side combined with 6 Mugello-KS5 subs stacked downstage on an arc configuration were integrated with the setup.
- 8 Pinnacle-KP102 systems were employed for front fill and a Pinnacle-KR802 as a delay system.
- The sound crew that was impressed by the audio was resident sound engineer Enrico Porcelli, technical manager Beppe Andolina, and Arcadia president Riccardo Garbuio.
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“The decision I made in proposing this system was the winning blow. The Firenze system performed amazingly!”
Arcadia president Riccardo Garbuio